Effects of different final irrigants on bond strength of AH26 sealer using a push-out test design
Effects of endodontic MTA and CEM cement on the osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.
Cytotoxic comparison of 3 different types of gutta-percha (conventional, flow, coated with nanosilver)
Comparison of pathway deviation in canal initial preparation using endodontic hand instruments and pathfile in M2 and Protaper rotary systems.
Effects of different pH on the physical properties of ProRoot MTA and Calcium Enriched Mixture (CEM) cement.
Analysis of cone beam CT diagnostic accuracy in the determination of root canal dimensions.
Effects of calcium hydroxide, MTA and CEM Cement on clinical symptoms in teeth restored with stepwise excavation technique without re-entering.
The relationship between gene expression of osteopontin isoforms and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis of human dental pulp.
Microleakage of Glass ionomer, WMTA and CEM Cement as coronal sealants in step-by-step bleaching.
Correlation between expression of TLR2 and TLR4 and irreversible symptomatic pulpitis.
Effects of light curing on color stability of White Pro-Root MTA and CEM Cement.
Effects of Er.YAG and 18% Etidronic acid in conventional smear layer removal after canal preparation and irrigation.
Cell viability rate of human gingival fibroblasts cultured on Root MTA, CEM Cement and Nanohybrid subgingival restorations
Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on the Cytotoxicity and Mineralization of calcium hydroxide and MTA in human dental pulp stem cells.
Effect of nanohydroxyapatite and CEM Cement on pulp histopathology in deciduous teeth after direct pulp capping.
Setting time, surface microhardness and fluoride release of F-doped MTA, and the mixture of 1% and 5% water with new polymer.
Efficacy of non-inflammatory steroidal drugs on post-operative endodontic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of premedication of non-inflammatory steroidal drugs on success rate of anesthesia in teeth with irreversible pulpitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Efficacy of non-pharmacological procedure on post-operative endodontic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Efficacy of inflammatory steroidal drugs on post-operative endodontic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Pain reduction during anesthetic injection and the initiation of anesthesia, and the success rate of infra alveolar nerve block using lidocaine-epinephrine and buffered lidocaine-epinephrine in teeth with irreversible pulpitis.
Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of ProRoot MTA and NEC mixed with different concentrations of Chlorhexidine
Effect of 17% EDTA and MTAD on intracanal smear layer
Comparative study of attachment of human gingival fibroblast (HGF) cells in contact with MTA and a novel root-end filling material (CEM cement) : a SEM evaluation
Clinical and histomorphometric evaluation of bone regeneration with Bio-oss and Autogenous Bone graft and comparison bio-absorbable versus nonresorbable barriers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Comparison of particle size of MTAs and CEM cement
Comparison of mineral trioxide aggregate’s composition with Portland cements
Ex vivo evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of calcium-enriched mixture(CEM), mineral trioxide aggregate(MTA) and Biodentin against Enterococus faecalis
Evaluation of morphology of roots and canals in human maxillary second molar teeth by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in an Iranian population
Effect of dentin thickness on cell differentiation(ALP and SEM) of human pulp cells capped with MTA and CEM-cement
The effect of different interacanal medicaments used in endodontic Regeneration procedures on microhardness after 4 week treatment
Identification of bacteria in persistent endodontic infections by PCR and 16sr DNA sequencing in Iranian patients
Comparison effect of conventional demonstration and problem based learning (PBL) methods on knowledge and performance of dental students in Endodontic department
CT number of dental materials using CT and CBCT
Statistical analysis of a multicenter clinical trial data using Bayesian model
Evaluation of Mutagenicity of MTA, CEM, Formocresol and Ferric sulfate using Ames Test
Comparison of antibacterial efficacy of nano ZnO and nano Ag/ZnO suspensions with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite on E.faecalis in infected root canals
High-level evidences in endodontics
Evaluation of histologic and radiographic charactrization of regenerated tissue after one-step and multiple-step pulp revascularization treatment in immature dog teeth with apical periodontitis
Producing Multimedia educational DVDs of Endodontic Therapy, from A to Z ( Diagnosis and Treatment planning)
In vivo evaluation of tooth surface temperature during drinking
Evaluation of effectiveness of adjunctive devices and educational films on knowledge and competence of dental students in endodontic department
Comparison of MTA & CEM cement solubility
Histologic evaluation of two pulpotomy materials : MTA and MTA-chlorhexidine in dog's teeth
Motagenic effects of NEC compared with MTA
An in vitro evaluation of canal and apex anatomy in first and second mandibular premolars in Tehran
Evaluation of effectiveness of CEM , Pro root MTA and Root MTA on the seal of primary molar furca perforation (dye penetration)
Dental pulp responses to pulp capping material, histomorphometric study
Effect Of missing data on findings of "vital pulp therapy of teeth with irreversible pulpitis" project
Evaluation of statistical methods used in the Journal of endodontics Articles in 2010
Presence and release of Arsenic in CEM cement and types of MTA and Portland cement
Evaluation of the relapse home bleaching treatment and 3 month touch up treatment after 9 month follow up
Producing Multimedia educational CDs of "Endodontic Therapy, from A to Z.
Immunohistochemical analysis of fibronectin and tenascin in pulp-capped human teeth with MTA and CEM cement.
Effects of MTA and CEM cement as retro-filling biomaterials in the regeneration of periradicular tissues in dog teeth.
Microleakage of MTA apical plug and CEM cement in open-apex teeth using fluid filtration technique.
Radiopacity of CEM cement using different radiopacifiers
Comparison of shear bond strength of composite to NEC and MTA
Comparison of Antifungal Effect of three root end filling material (ProRoot MTA, Angelous MTA, CEM cement) Against Candida albicans
The Comparison of the Skin Reaction of CEM and MTA on Rabbit
Neurotoxic effect of white MTA and CEM cement on F1 Helix aspersa neuron using intracellular recording technique.
Comparative study of the apical leakage and Marginal adaptation of MTA plug and New Endodontic Cement (NEC) plug, with and without use of calcium hydroxide with Fluid Filtration and SEM.
A comparison between CEM, white and gray MTA cytotoxicity on L929 and SAOS-2 cell lines.
Property Analysis of a new endodontic biomaterial.
Induction of BMP-2 and TGF- β1 synthesis by MTA & CEM in SAOS-2 cell line.
In vitro evaluations of bacterial microleakage of CEM cement, White MTA and Gray MTA as retro-filling biomaterials after placement in human serum.
Evaluation of the effect of blood contamination on microhardness of MTA and Calcium Enriched Mixture (CEM)
Histologic evaluation of two pulpotomy materials : MTA and MTA-calcium chloride in dog's teeth
Comparative Evaluation of Pulpotomized Primary Molars with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and New Endodontic Cement
Radiographic & clinical success rate of periapical surgery in a surgery clinic during 1380-1386
Temperature rise evaluation during 2 types of lasers assisted dentin desensitization in one and two millimeters of dentinal thickness , In-Vivo
Effect of two storage solutions on surface topography of two root-end fillings
Stress distribution in mandibular first molar roots, using different canal tapers: a finite element study
Comparison of clinical and radiographical success of CEM cement and MTA in direct pulp cap of primary teeth
Radiographic evaluation of endodontic treatments done in patient attended the Shahid Beheshti ,Mashhad and Kerman dental school
Stress distribution in mandibular second premolar root, using different canal preparation techniques: a finite element study
Stress distribution in mandibular first molar after pulpotomy and root canal therapy: a finite element study
Effect of alkali salts addition on setting time of MTA and CEM cement
Comparison of Apically Extruded Debris with Protaper and Safesiders Instruments: An In Vitro Study
Association between gene expression of TRPV1(Transient receptor potential vanilloid1),TRPA1(Transient receptor potential Ankyrin) and IL8(CXCL8) in pulp with varying degree of tooth decay
Evaluation of cytotoxicity of calcium-enriched mixture employing various additives on dental pulp stem cells
The effect of propolis removal on tooth discoloration persistence
Microscopic evaluation of canal and apex of mandibular incisors by clearing and comparison of it by CBCT
Neurogenic effect of calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) on dental pulp stem cell with emphasise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression
Health Technology Assessment , treatment of irreversible pulpitis using CEM cement