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  1. Fazlyab M, Esmaeili Shahmirzadi S, Esnaashari E, Azizi A, Moshari AA. Effect of low-level laser therapy on postoperative pain after single-visit root canal retreatment of mandibular molars: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Int Endod J 2021;54(11):2006-2015.
  2. Tour Savadkouhi S, Mohtasham Maram M, Purhaji Bagher M, Afkar M, Fazlyab M. In Vitro activity of superoxide water on viability of Enterococcus faecalis biofilm on root canal wall. Iran Endod J 2021;16(3):189-192.
  3. Asgary S, Sarraf Shirazi A, Sabbagh S. Management of primary molars with irreversible pulpitis employing tampon pulpotomy: Report of three cases with 34-month mean follow-up. Clin Case Rep 2021;9(4):2289-2294.
  4. Shamszadeh S, Asgary S, Shirvani A, Eghbal MJ. Effects of antibiotic administration on post-operative endodontic symptoms in patients with pulpal necrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Oral Rehabil 2021;48(3):332-342.
  5. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Shahravan A, Saberi E, Baghban AA, Parhizkar A. Outcomes of root canal therapy or full pulpotomy using two endodontic biomaterials in mature permanent teeth: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Oral Invest 2021.
  6. Moradi M, Fazlyab M, Pourhajibagher M, Chiniforush N. Antimicrobial action of photodynamic therapy on Enterococcus faecalis biofilm using curing light, curcumin and riboflavin. Aust Endod J 2021.
  7. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Clinical applications of mta in non-vital open-apex teeth: An update review. Int J Clin Dent 2021;14(3):299-306.
  8. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Antimicrobial activity of qmix: A review. Int J Clin Dent 2021;14(3):353-358.
  9. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Mutual effects of calcium hydroxide and dentin: A brief review. Int J Clin Dent 2021;14(1):87-92.
  10. Panahandeh N, Adinehlou F, Sheikh-Al-Eslamian SM, Torabzadeh H. Extract of Propolis on Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement: Effect on Mechanical and Antimicrobial Properties and Dentin Bonding Strength. Int J Biomater 2021;2021.
  11. Shalavi S, Mohammadi Z. An overview on a promising root canal irrigation solution: QMix. Iran Endod J 2021;16(2):71-77.
  12. Rahbani Nobar B, Dianat O, Rahbani Nobar B, Shirvani A, Zargar N, Kazem M, et al. Effect of rotary and reciprocating instrumentation motions on postoperative pain incidence in non-surgical endodontic treatments: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Endod J 2021;6(1):3-14.
  13. Asgary S, Parhizkar A. The role of vital pulp therapy in the management of periapical lesions. Eur Endod J 2021;6(1):130-131.
  14. Asgary S, Parhizkar A. Importance of “Time” on “Haemostasis” in vital pulp therapy. Eur Endod J 2021;6(1):128-129.
  15. Asgary S, Roghanizadeh L. Grafting with Bone Substitute Materials in Therapy-Resistant Periapical Actinomycosis. Case Rep Dent 2021;2021.


  1. Giardino L, Savadori P, Generali L, Mohammadi Z, Del Fabbro M, De Vecchi E, et al. Antimicrobial effectiveness of etidronate powder (Dual Rinse® HEDP) and two EDTA preparations against Enterococcus faecalis: a preliminary laboratory study. Odontology 2020;108(3):396-405.
  2. Shamszadeh S, Parhizkar A, Mardani M, Asgary S. Dental considerations after the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease: A review of literature. Arch Clin Infect Dis 2020;15(2).
  3. Shamszadeh S, Shirvani A, Asgary S. Does occlusal reduction reduce post-endodontic pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Oral Rehabil 2020;47(4):528-535.
  4. Asagry S, Shamszadeh S. Editorial: COVID-19 and endodontic emergencies. Iran Endod J 2020;15(2):64.
  5. Shahri F, Parhizkar A. Pivotal local drug delivery systems in endodontics; A review of literature. Iran Endod J 2020;15(2):65-78.
  6. Asgary S, Emadi N. Cone-beam computed tomography analysis of lingual mandibular bone depression in the premolar region: A case report. Clin Case Rep 2020;8(3):523-526.
  7. Dianat O, Mozayeni MA, Layeghnejad MK, Shojaeian S. The efficacy of supplemental intraseptal and buccal infiltration anesthesia in mandibular molars of patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis. Clin Oral Invest 2020;24(3):1281-1286.
  8. Parhizkar A, Nojehdehian H, Tabatabaei F, Asgary S. An Innovative Drug Delivery System Loaded with a Modified Combination of Triple Antibiotics for Use in Endodontic Applications. Int J Dent 2020;2020.
  9. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Interactions between chlorhexidine and dentin and vice versa: A review. Int J Clin Dent 2020;13(2):181-187.
  10. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Managing root canal calcifications: A review. Int J Clin Dent 2020;13(2):189-196.
  11. Eghbal MJ, Haeri A, Shahravan A, Kazemi A, Moazami F, Mozayeni MA, et al. Postendodontic Pain after Pulpotomy or Root Canal Treatment in Mature Teeth with Carious Pulp Exposure: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Res Manage 2020;2020.


  1. Ghasemianpour M, Bakhshandeh S, Shirvani A, Emadi N, Samadzadeh H, Moosavi Fatemi N, et al. Dental caries experience and socio-economic status among Iranian children: A multilevel analysis. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1).
  2. Asgary S, Talebzadeh B. Intentional replantation of a molar with several endodontic complications. J Stomatol Oral Max Surg 2019;120(5):489-492.
  3. Daryaeian M, Miglani S, Davarpanah A, Kim H-, Ramazani M. Can the Separated Instrument be Removed from the Root Canal System out by Magnetism? A Hypothesis. Dent Hypotheses 2019;10(4):108-111.
  4. Dianat O, Mahdian A, Sanagoo N, Mozayeni MA, Eskandarion S. Setting time and surface microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate and 1% and 5% fluoride-doped mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with water and gel-like polymer. Iran Endod J 2019;14(4):265-270.
  5. Naseri M, Eftekhar L, Gholami F, Atai M, Dianat O. The Effect of Calcium Hydroxide and Nano–calcium Hydroxide on Microhardness and Superficial Chemical Structure of Root Canal Dentin: An Ex Vivo Study. J Endod 2019;45(9):1148-1154.
  6. Asgary S, Nourzadeh M, Verma P, Hicks ML, Nosrat A. Vital Pulp Therapy as a Conservative Approach for Management of Invasive Cervical Root Resorption: A Case Series. J Endod 2019;45(9):1161-1167.
  7. Zargar N, Marashi MA, Ashraf H, Hakopian R, Beigi P. Identification of microorganisms in persistent/secondary endodontic infections with respect to clinical and radiographic findings: Bacterial culture and molecular detection. Iran J Microbiol 2019;11(2):120-128.
  8. Shantiaee Y, Dianat O, Mosayebi G, Namdari M, Tordik P. Effect of Root Canal Preparation Techniques on Crack Formation in Root Dentin. J Endod 2019;45(4):447-452.
  9. Zargar N, Rayat Hosein Abadi M, Sabeti M, Yadegari Z, Akbarzadeh Baghban A, Dianat O. Antimicrobial efficacy of clindamycin and triple antibiotic paste as root canal medicaments on tubular infection: An in vitro study. Aust Endod J 2019;45(1):86-91.
  10. Shamszadeh S, Asgary S, Nosrat A. Regenerative Endodontics: A Scientometric and Bibliometric Analysis. J Endod 2019;45(3):272-280.
  11. Ghabraei S, Shubbar A, Nekoofar MH, Nosrat A. Anesthetic efficacy of mental/incisive nerve block compared to inferior alveolar nerve block using 4% articaine in mandibular premolars with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: a randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2019;23(2):839-845.
  12. Nosrat A, Kolahdouzan A, Khatibi AH, Verma P, Jamshidi D, Nevins AJ. Clinical, Radiographic, and Histologic Outcome of Regenerative Endodontic Treatment in Human Teeth Using a Novel Collagen-hydroxyapatite Scaffold. J Endod 2019;45(2):136-143.
  13. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Yaripour S, Kinoshita J-, Manabe A, Kobayashi M, et al. Smear layer removing ability of root canal irrigation solutions: A review. J Contemp Dental Pract 2019;20(3):395-402.
  14. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Properties and applications of Emdogain in endodontics and dental traumatology: An update. Int J Clin Dent 2019;12(3):245-252.
  15. Nourzadeh M, Amini A, Fakoor F, Asgary S. Antimicrobial activity of calcium-enriched mixture cement and biodentine on enterococcus faecalis: An in vitro study. Iran Endod J 2019;14(1):18-22.
  16. Safi Y, Fazlyab M, Asgary S, Fazlalipour M. A novel technique for minimizing the metal artifacts on anterior teeth in cone-beam computed tomography. Iran Endod J 2019;14(1):79-83.
  17. Roghanizadeh L, Fazlyab M. Revascularization and apical plug in an immature molar. Iran Endod J 2018;13(1):139-142.


  1. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Yaripour S, Sharifi F, Kinoshita J-. A review on triple antibiotic paste as a suitable material used in regenerative endodontics. Iran Endod J 2018;13(1):1-6.
  2. Asgary S, Roghanizadeh L. Rapid bone healing after intentional replantation of a molar with apical actinomycosis. Iran Endod J 2018;13(1):135-138.
  3. Samiei M, Shahi S, Ghasemi N, Dastmalchi S, Bargahi N, Asgary S. Effect of different additives on genotoxicity of mineral trioxide aggregate. Iran Endod J 2018;13(1):37-41.
  4. Ramazani M, Asnaashari M, Ahmadi R, Zarenejad N, Rafie A, Yazadani Charati J. The effect of final rinse agitation with ultrasonic or 808 nm diode laser on coronal microleakage of root-canal treated teeth. Iran Endod J 2018;13(1):108-113.
  5. Ansari G, Morovati SP, Asgary S. Evaluation of four pulpotomy techniques in primary molars: A randomized controlled trial. Iran Endod J 2018;13(1):7-12.
  6. Mirmohammadi H, Asgary S. Management of merged external/internal root resorption using cem cement: A case report. J Oral Res 2018;7(8):318-322.
  7. Ramazani N, Saadatfar N, Mahvi AH, Ramazani M. The effect of a calcium pre-rinse on the salivary and plaque fluoride and calcium concentrations after a 900 ppm naf rinse: A placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Fluoride 2018;51(4):366-377.
  8. Esmaeili-Mahani S, Raoof M, Abbasnejad M, Nourzadeh M. Changes in the levels of hippocampal BDNF expression are accompanied with inflammatory dental pain-induced learning and memory impairment. Physiol Pharmacol 2018;22(3):155-162.
  9. Sabeti M, Kazem M, Dianat O, Bahrololumi N, Beglou A, Rahimipour K. Impact of Access Cavity Design and Root Canal Taper on Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth: An Ex Vivo Investigation. J Endod 2018;44(9):1402-1406.
  10. Ramazani M, Asgary S. Delayed miniature pulpotomy in a symptomatic mature molar. Dent Res J 2018;15(4):302-305.
  11. Shamszadeh S, Shirvani A, Eghbal MJ, Asgary S. Efficacy of Corticosteroids on Postoperative Endodontic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Endod 2018;44(7):1057-1065.
  12. Asgary S, Roghanizadeh L. Partial necrosis consequence of the infection spreading from an adjacent apical periodontitis: A case report. Iran Endod J 2018;13(3):420-423.
  13. Shourgashti Z, Keshvari H, Torabzadeh H, Rostami M, Bonakdar S, Asgary S. Physical properties, cytocompatibility and sealability of healapex (a novel premixed biosealer). Iran Endod J 2018;13(3):299-304.
  14. Verma P, Tordik P, Nosrat A. Hazards of Improper Dispensary: Literature Review and Report of an Accidental Chloroform Injection. J Endod 2018;44(6):1042-1047.
  15. Asgary S, Hassanizadeh R, Torabzadeh H, Eghbal MJ. Treatment Outcomes of 4 Vital Pulp Therapies in Mature Molars. J Endod 2018;44(4):529-535.
  16. Asgary S, Roghanizadeh L, Haeri A. Surgical endodontics vs regenerative periodontal surgery for management of a large periradicular lesion. Iran Endod J 2018;13(2):271-276.
  17. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Effect of chemical and thermal factors on Ni-Ti endodontic instruments: A review. Int J Clin Dent 2018;11(1):19-28.
  18. Haghgoo R, Asgary S, Montazeri R. Histopathological evaluation of primary teeth after pulp capping with calcium-enriched mixture and bioactive glass. Iran Endod J 2018;13(4):457-460.
  19. Palazzi F, Del Fabbro M, Taschierif S, Mohammadi Z, Asgary S, Bukiet F. Comparison of antimicrobial substantivity of six root canal irrigants against enterococcus faecalis. Iran Endod J 2018;13(4):446-452.
  20. Sabbagh S, Shirazi AS, Torabzadeh H. Double antibiotic paste for management of external inflammatory root resorption. Iran Endod J 2018;13(4):569-572.
  21. Dianat O, Mashhadiabbas F, Ahangari Z, Saedi S, Motamedian SR. Histologic comparison of direct pulp capping of rat molars with mta and different concentrations of simvastatin gel. J Oral Sci 2018;60(1):57-63.


  1. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Moeintaghavi A, Jafarzadeh H. A review over benefits and drawbacks of combining sodium hypochlorite with other endodontic materials. Open Dent J 2017;11:661-669.
  2. Asgary S, Fazlyab M. Endodontic management of an infected primary molar in a child with agenesis of the permanent premolar. Iran Endod J 2017;12(1):119-122.
  3. Mohammadzadeh Akhlaghi N, Khalilak Z, Vatanpour M, Mohammadi S, Pirmoradi S, Fazlyab M, et al. Root canal anatomy and morphology of mandibular first molars in a selected Iranian population: An in vitro study. Iran Endod J 2017;12(1):87-91.
  4. Nosrat A, Verma P, Hicks ML, Schneider SC, Behnia A, Azim AA. Variations of Palatal Canal Morphology in Maxillary Molars: A Case Series and Literature Review. J Endod 2017;43(11):1888-1896.
  5. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Palazzi F. Recent advances in root canal disinfection: A review. Iran Endod J 2017;12(4):402-406.
  6. Shirvani A, Shamszadeh S, Eghbal MJ, Asgary S. The efficacy of non-narcotic analgesics on post-operative endodontic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis: The efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or paracetamol on post-operative endodontic pain. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44(9):709-721.
  7. Panahandeh N, Torabzadeh H, Ziaee N, Mahdian M, Tootiaee B, Ghasemi A. The Effect of Composite Thickness on the Stress Distribution Pattern of Restored Premolar Teeth with Cusp Reduction. J Prosthodontics 2017;26(5):440-445.
  8. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Bagheban AA. Long-term outcomes of pulpotomy in permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis: A multi-center randomized controlled trial. Am J Dent 2017;30(3):151-155.
  9. Shantiaee Y, Javaheri S, Movahhedian A, Eslami S, Dianat O. Efficacy of preoperative ibuprofen and meloxicam on the success rate of inferior alveolar nerve block for teeth with irreversible pulpitis. Int Dent J 2017;67(2):85-90.
  10. Dianat O, Mashhadi Abas F, Paymanpour P, Eghbal MJ, Haddadpour S, Bahrololumi N. Endodontic repair in immature dogs' teeth with apical periodontitis: blood clot vs plasma rich in growth factors scaffold. Dent Traumatol 2017;33(2):84-90.
  11. Asgary S, Verma P, Nosrat A. Treatment outcomes of full pulpotomy as an alternative to tooth extraction in molars with hyperplastic/irreversible pulpitis: A case report. Iran Endod J 2017;12(2):261-265.
  12. Mohammadi Z, Yaripour S, Shalavi S, Palazzi F, Asgary S. Root canal irrigants and dentin bonding: An update. Iran Endod J 2017;12(2):131-136.
  13. Nourzadeh M, Amini A, Fakoor F, Raoof M, Sharififar F. Comparative antimicrobial efficacy of Eucalyptus Galbie and Myrtus communis L. Extracts, chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus Faecalis. Iran Endod J 2017;12(2):205-210.
  14. Jafari M, Paknejad Z, Rad MR, Motamedian SR, Eghbal MJ, Nadjmi N, et al. Polymeric scaffolds in tissue engineering: a literature review. J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater 2017;105(2):431-459.
  15. Ghorbani Z, Pakkhesal M, Arshi S, Eghbal MJ, Deghatipour M, Tennant M, et al. Challenges impeding integration of oral health into primary health care. East Mediterr Health J 2017;23(12):802-808.
  16. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Kinoshita J. Photodynamic therapy in endodontics. J Contemp Dental Pract 2017;18(6):534-538.
  17. Fazlyab M, Asgary S. Failure of cone-beam computed tomography in detection of fiber post perforation. Iran Endod J 2017;12(3):396-400.
  18. Asgary S, Fayazi S. Endodontic surgery of a symptomatic overfilled mta apical plug: A histological and clinical case report. Iran Endod J 2017;12(3):376-380.
  19. Shubbar A, Bolhari B, Fakhari N, Alemi P, Nosrat A. Non-surgical retreatment of maxillary lateral incisor with unusual anatomy: A case report and mini review. Iran Endod J 2017;12(3):381-385.
  20. Ghasemi E, Baghban AA, Baghestani A, Asgary S. Considering time-interaction terms using parametric survival models for interval-censoring data. Epidemiol Biostat Public Health 2017;14(2).
  21. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Sahebalam R, Kinoshita J. Laser-based disinfection of the root canal system: An update. J Contemp Dental Pract 2017;18(1):74-77.
  22. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Sahebalam R, Kinoshita J. Additive and reducing effects between calcium hydroxide and current irrigation solutions. J Contemp Dental Pract 2017;18(3):246-249.
  23. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Kinoshita J-. Establishing apical patency: To be or not to be? J Contemp Dental Pract 2017;18(4):326-329.
  24. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Kinoshita J-, Giardino L. Lasers in apicoectomy: A brief review. J Contemp Dental Pract 2017;18(2):170-173.
  25. Shirvani A, Shamszadeh S, Eghbal MJ, Marvasti LA, Asgary S. Effect of preoperative oral analgesics on pulpal anesthesia in patients with irreversible pulpitis-a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Oral Invest 2017;21(1):43-52.


  1. Oskoee SS, Bahari M, Kimyai S, Asgary S, Katebi K. Push-out Bond Strength of Fiber Posts to Intraradicular Dentin Using Multimode Adhesive System. J Endod 2016;42(12):1794-1798.
  2. Palazzi F, Sadile G, Mohammadi Z, Del Fabbro M, Riccitiello F. Penetration of hypochlorites with lowered surface tension into dentine tubules. Minerva Stomatol 2016;65(6):368-377.
  3. Mohammadi Z, Cehreli ZC, Shalavi S, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Asgary S. Management of root resorption using chemical agents: A review. Iran Endod J 2016;11(1).
  4. Ramazani M, Asgary S, Zarenejad N, Mehrani J. Interdisciplinary approach for management of iatrogenic internal root resorption: A case report. Iran Endod J 2016;11(1):71-74.
  5. Asgary S, Nourzadeh M, Eghbal MJ. Miniature pulpotomy of symptomatic mature permanent teeth: A report of two cases. Iran Endod J 2016;11(1):75-78.
  6. Mosaferi H, Fazlyab M, Sharifi S, Rahimian S. Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the maxilla resembling a persistent endodontic lesion. Iran Endod J 2016;11(1):67-70.
  7. Eghbal MJ, Torabzadeh H, Bagheban AA, Shamszadeh S, Marvasti LA, Asgary S. Color stability of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium enriched mixture cement. J Investig Clin Dent 2016;7(4):341-346.
  8. Manochehrifar H, Parirokh M, Kakooei S, Oloomi MM, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, et al. The effect of mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with chlorhexidine as direct pulp capping agent in dogs teeth: A histologic study. Iran Endod J 2016;11(4):320-324.
  9. Mehrvarzfar P, Esnashari E, Salmanzadeh R, Fazlyab M, Fazlyab M. Effect of dexamethasone intraligamentary injection on post-endodontic pain in patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Iran Endod J 2016;11(4):261-266.
  10. Tour Savadkouhi S, Fazlyab M. Discoloration potential of endodontic sealers: A brief review. Iran Endod J 2016;11(4):250-254.
  11. Sabbagh S, Sarraf Shirazi A, Eghbal MJ. Vital pulp therapy of a symptomatic immature permanent molar with long-term success. Iran Endod J 2016;11(4):347-349.
  12. Asgary S, Nosrat A. Conservative Management of Class 4 Invasive Cervical Root Resorption Using Calcium-enriched Mixture Cement. J Endod 2016;42(8):1291-1294.
  13. Khedmat S, Azari A, Shamshiri AR, Fadae M, Bashizadeh Fakhar H. Efficacy of protaper and Mtwo retreatment files in removal of gutta-percha and guttaflow from root canals. Iran Endod J 2016;11(3):184-187.
  14. Mohammadi Z, Asgary S, Shalavi S, Abbott PV. A clinical update on the different methods to decrease the occurrence of missed root canals. Iran Endod J 2016;11(3):208-213.
  15. Kakooei S, Mostafavi M, Parirokh M, Asgary S. Indexing of Iranian publications in well-known endodontic textbooks: A scientometric analysis. Iran Endod J 2016;11(3):157-163.
  16. Mohebbi P, Asgary S. Effect of pH on physical properties of two endodontic biomaterials. J Conserv Dent 2016;19(3):212-219.
  17. Memarpour M, Fijan S, Asgary S, Keikhaee M. Calcium-enriched mixture pulpotomy of primary molar teeth with irreversible pulpitis. A clinical study. Open Dent J 2016;10:43-49.
  18. Asgary S, Shirvai A. Pulpotomy with Calcium Hydroxide May be an Effective Alternative to Root Canal Therapy in Vital Teeth. J Evid -Based Dent Pract 2016;16(1):64-66.
  19. Palazzi F, Blasi A, Mohammadi Z, Del Fabbro M, Estrela C. Penetration of sodium hypochlorite modified with surfactants into root canal dentin. Braz Dent J 2016;27(2):208-216.
  20. Razmi H, Bolhari B, Dashti NK, Fazlyab M. The effect of canal dryness on bond strength of bioceramic and epoxy-resin sealers after irrigation with sodium hypochlorite or chlorhexidine. Iran Endod J 2016;11(2):129-133.
  21. Çalışkan MK, Asgary S, Tekin U, Güneri P. Amputation of an extra-root with an endodontic lesion in an invaginated vital maxillary lateral incisor: A rare case with seven-year follow-up. Iran Endod J 2016;11(2):138-141.
  22. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Giardino L, Asgary S. Endodontic considerations in three-canalled premolars: A practical update. Iran Endod J 2016;11(2):134-137.
  23. Asgary S, Fazlyab M, Nosrat A. Regenerative endodontic treatment versus apical plug in immature teeth: Three-year follow-up. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2016;40(5):356-360.
  24. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Managing root resorption using calcium hydroxide: A review. Int J Clin Dent 2016;9(4):247-254.
  25. Giardino L, Mohammadi Z, Beltrami R, Poggio C, Estrela C, Generali L. Influence of temperature on the antibacterial activity of sodium hypochlorite. Braz Dent J 2016;27(1):32-36.
  26. Asgary S, Nikneshan S, Akbarzadeh-Bagheban A, Emadi N. Evaluation of diagnostic accuracy and dimensional measurements by using CBCT in mandibular first molars. J Clini Exp Dent 2016;8(1):e1-e8.


  1. Dianat O, Azadnia S, Mozayeni MA. Toxicity of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles on murine fibroblast cell line. Iran Endod J 2015;10(1):49-54.
  2. Dianat O, Saedi S, Kazem M, Alam M. Antimicrobial activity of nanoparticle calcium hydroxide against enterococcus faecalis: An in vitro study. Iran Endod J 2015;10(1):39-43.
  3. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Asgary S. Agonistic and antagonistic interactions between chlorhexidine and other endodontic agents: A critical review. Iran Endod J 2015;10(1):1-5.
  4. Esnaashari E, Pezeshkfar A, Fazlyab M. Nonsurgical management of an extensive perforative internal root resorption with calcium-enriched mixture cement. Iran Endod J 2015;10(1):75-78.
  5. Kiarudi AH, Eghbal MJ, Safi Y, Aghdasi MM, Fazlyab M. The applications of cone-beam computed tomography in endodontics: A review of literature. Iran Endod J 2015;10(1):16-25.
  6. Parirokh M, Talebizad M, Forghani FR, Haghdoost AA, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, et al. Fluoride varnish as root canal sealer: A scanning electron microscopy and bacterial penetration study. Iran Endod J 2015;10(1):64-68.
  7. Zarenejad N, Asgary S, Ramazani N, Haghshenas MR, Rafiei A, Ramazani M. Coronal microleakage of three different dental biomaterials as intra-orifice barrier during nonvital bleaching. Dent Res J 2015;12(6):581-588.
  8. Nosrat A, Kolahdouzan A, Hosseini F, Mehrizi EA, Verma P, Torabinejad M. Histologic outcomes of uninfected human immature teeth treated with regenerative endodontics: 2 case reports. J Endod 2015;41(10):1725-1729.
  9. Fazlyab M, Esnaashari E, Saleh M, Shakerian F, Moayed DA, Asgary S. Craniofacial pain as the sole sign of prodromal angina and acute coronary syndrome: A review and report of a rare case. Iran Endod J 2015;10(4):274-280.
  10. Modaresi J, Aghili H, Dianat O, Younessian F, Mahjour F. The effect of orthodontic forces on tooth response to electric pulp test. Iran Endod J 2015;10(4):244-247.
  11. Asgary S, Çalışkan MK. Vital pulp therapy of a mature molar with concurrent hyperplastic pulpitis, internal root resorption and periradicular periodontitis: A case report. Iran Endod J 2015;10(4):284-286.
  12. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Asgary S. Impact of ultrasonic activation on the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite: A review. Iran Endod J 2015;10(4):216-220.
  13. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Jafarzadeh H, Bhandi S, Patil S. Genotoxicity of Endodontic Materials: A Critical Review. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(8):692-696.
  14. Emamieh S, Khaterizadeh Y, Goudarzi H, Ghasemi A, Baghban AA, Torabzadeh H. The effect of two types chewing gum containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate and xylitol on salivary Streptococcus mutans. J Conserv Dent 2015;18(3):192-195.
  15. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Chavoshi M. Effect of needle bevel direction on the success rate of intra-ligament injection technique: A single-blinded clinical trial. Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine; 2015. p. 347-351.
  16. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Shalavi S, Alikhani MY, Giudice GL, et al. Effect of sodium hypochlorite on the substantivity of chlorhexidine. Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine; 2015. p. 173-178.
  17. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Shalavi S. Buffering effect of hydroxyapatite and dentin powder on the antibacterial activity of sodium hypochlorite. Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine; 2015. p. 233-237.
  18. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Fazlyab M, Baghban AA, Ghoddusi J. Five-year results of vital pulp therapy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis: a non-inferiority multicenter randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2015;19(2):335-341.
  19. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S, Bhandi S, Kinoshita J-. Resilon: Review of a New Material for Obturation of the Canal. J Contemp Dental Pract 2015;16(5):407-414.
  20. Mohammadi Z, Hosseini M, Yazdizadeh M, Yazdizadeh MR. Effect of premedication with dexamethasone on the success rate of inferior alveolar nerve block injection technique: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Int J Clin Dent 2015;8(4):301-306.
  21. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Soltani MK. A brief review on an antibioticcorticosteroid intra-canal medicament. Int J Clin Dent 2015;8(2):165-170.
  22. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Hydrogen peroxide in endodontics: Amini-review. Int J Clin Dent 2015;8(2):171-179.
  23. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Calcium hydroxide in traumatic dental injuries: An update review. Int J Clin Dent 2015;8(2):151-161.
  24. Zanjani VA, Ghasemi A, Torabzadeh H, Jamali M, Razmavar S, Baghban AA. Bleaching effect of ozone on pigmented teeth. Dent Res J 2015;12(1):20-24.
  25. Asgary S, Fazlyab M. A successful endodontic outcome with non-obturated canals. Iran Endod J 2015;10(3):208-210.
  26. Zargar N, Dianat O, Asnaashari M, Ganjali M, Zadsirjan S. The effect of smear layer on antimicrobial efficacy of three root canal irrigants. Iran Endod J 2015;10(3):179-183.
  27. Giardino L, Estrela C, Generali L, Mohammadi Z, Asgary S. The in vitro effect of irrigants with low surface tension on Enterococcus faecalis. Iran Endod J 2015;10(3):174-178.
  28. Shantiaee Y, Dianat O, Paymanpour P, Nahvi G, Ketabi MA, Ahari GK. Alterations of the danger zone after preparation of curved root canals using waveone with reverse rotation or reciprocation movements. Iran Endod J 2015;10(3):156-161.
  29. Banava S, Fazlyab M, Heshmat H, Mojtahedzadeh F, Motahhary P. Histological evaluation of single and double-visit direct pulp capping with different materials on sound human premolars: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Iran Endod J 2015;10(2):82-88.
  30. Parirokh M, Forghani FR, Paseban H, Asgary S, Askarifard S, Mahani SE. Cytotoxicity of two resin-based sealers and a fluoride varnish on human gingival fibroblasts. Iran Endod J 2015;10(2):89-92.
  31. Asgary S, Fazlyab M. Surgical treatment of an immature short-rooted traumatized incisor with an extensive apical lesion using CEM cement. Iran Endod J 2015;10(2):148-151.
  32. Haghgoo R, Asgary S, Mashhadi Abbas F, Montazeri Hedeshi R. Nano-hydroxyapatite and calcium-enriched mixture for pulp capping of sound primary teeth: A randomized clinical trial. Iran Endod J 2015;10(2):107-111.
  33. Mohammadi Z, Asgary S. Antifungal activity of endodontic irrigants. Iran Endod J 2015;10(2):144-147.
  34. Samiei M, Asgary S, Farajzadeh M, Bargahi N, Abdolrahimi M, Kananizadeh U, et al. Investigating the mutagenic effects of three commonly used pulpotomy agents using the ames test. Adv Pharm Bull 2015;5(1):121-125.
  35. Asgary S, Fazlyab M. Surgical repair of invasive cervical root resorption with calcium-enriched mixture cement: A case report. Gen Dent 2015;63(1):37-40.


  1. Bolhari B, Ehsani S, Etemadi A, Shafaq M, Nosrat A. Efficacy of Er,Cr:YSGG laser in removing smear layer and debris with two different output powers. Photomed Laser Surg 2014;32(10):527-532.
  2. Asgary S, Shirvani A, Fazlyab M. MTA and ferric sulfate in pulpotomy outcomes of primary molars: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2014;39(1):1-8.
  3. Mohammadi Z, Jafarzadeh H, Shalavi S. Antimicrobial efficacy of chlorhexidine as a root canal irrigant: a literature review. J Oral Sci 2014;56(2):99-103.
  4. Asgary S, Nosrat A. Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling. Gen Dent 2014;62(3):30-33.
  5. Shirvani A, Asgary S. Mineral trioxide aggregate versus formocresol pulpotomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Clin Oral Invest 2014;18(4):1023-1030.
  6. Asgary S, Fazlyab M. Nonsurgical management of an extensive endodontic lesion in an orthodontic patient by calcium-enriched mixture apical plug. Contemp Clin Dent 2014;5(2):278-281.
  7. Shokouhinejad N, Nekootar MH, Ashortehyazdi K, Zahraee S, Khoshkhounejad M. Marginal adaptation of new bioceramic materials and mineral trioxide aggregate: A scanning electron microscopy study. Iran Endod J 2014;9(2):144-148.
  8. Mohammad Z, Soltani MK, Shalav S. An update on the management of endodontic biofilms using root canal irrigants and medicaments. Iran Endod J 2014;9(2):89-97.
  9. Kheirieh S, Fazlyab M, Torabzadeh H, Egfhbal MJ. Extraoral retrograde root canal filling of an orthodontic induced external root resorption using CEM cement. Iran Endod J 2014;9(2):149-152.
  10. Shantiaee Y, Dianat O, Sharifi F, Nahvi G, Ahari GK. The impact of three different canal lubricants on fracture, deformity and metal slivering of proTaper rotary instruments. Iran Endod J 2014;9(2):127-130.
  11. Shirvani A, Hassanizadeh R, Asgary S. Mineral trioxide aggregate vs. calcium hydroxide in primary molar pulpotomy: A systematic review. Iran Endod J 2014;9(2):83-88.
  12. Asgary S, Nazarian H, Khojasteh A, Shokouhinejad N. Gene expression and cytokine release during odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells induced by 2 endodontic biomaterials. J Endod 2014;40(3):387-392.
  13. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Ghoddusi J. Two-year results of vital pulp therapy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis: An ongoing multicenter randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2014;18(2):635-641.
  14. Naghavi N, Ghoddusi J, Sadeghnia HR, Asadpour E, Asgary S. Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium enriched mixture cements on L929 mouse fibroblast cells. Dent Mater J 2014;33(1):64-69.
  15. Khademi AA, Dianat O, Mahjour F, Razavi SM, Younessian F. Outcomes of revascularization treatment in immature dog's teeth. Dent Traumatol 2014;30(5):374-379.
  16. Mohammadi Z, Soltani MK, Shalavi S, Asgary S. A review of the various surface treatments of NiTi instruments. Iran Endod J 2014;9(4):235-240.
  17. Ashraf H, Dianat O, Hajrezai R, Paymanpour P, Azadnia S. Endodontic treatment of a double-rooted maxillary second molar with four canals: A case report. Iran Endod J 2014;9(4):304-306.
  18. Emadi N, Safi Y, Akbarzadeh Bagheban A, Asgary S. Comparison of CT-number and gray scale value of different dental materials and hard tissues in CT and CBCT. Iran Endod J 2014;9(4):283-286.
  19. Asgary S, Fazlyab M, Sabbagh S, Eghbal MJ. Outcomes of different vital pulp therapy techniques on symptomatic permanent teeth: A case series. Iran Endod J 2014;9(4):295-300.
  20. Raoof M, Shokouhinejad N, Izadi A, Nourzadeh M, Afkham A, Forghani F-, et al. Long-term effect of an educational intervention regarding dental trauma first aid: A phase II study. Dent Traumatol 2014;30(4):296-301.
  21. Tavassoli-Hojjati S, Kameli S, Rahimian-Emam S, Ahmadyar M, Asgary S. Calcium enriched mixture cement for primary molars exhibiting root perforations and extensive root resorption: report of three cases. Pediatr Dent 2014;36(1):23E-27E.
  22. Torabzadeh H, Ghassemi A, Sanei M, Razmavar S, Sheikh-Al-Eslamian SM. The influence of composite thickness with or without fibers on fracture resistance of direct restorations in endodontically treated teeth. Iran Endod J 2014;9(3):215-219.
  23. Ashraf H, Asnaashari M, Darmiani S, Birang R. Smear layer removal in the apical third of root canals by two chelating agents and laser: A comparative in vitro study. Iran Endod J 2014;9(3):210-214.
  24. Eghbal MJ, Fazlyab M, Asgary S. Repair of a strip perforation with calcium-enriched mixture cement: A case report. Iran Endod J 2014;9(3):225-228.
  25. Asgary S, Fazlyab M. Management of complicated crown fracture with miniature pulpotomy: A case report. Iran Endod J 2014;9(3):233-234.
  26. Mozayeni MA, Haeri A, Dianat O, Jafari AR. Antimicrobial effects of four intracanal medicaments on Enterococcus Faecalis: An in vitro study. Iran Endod J 2014;9(3):195-198.
  27. Asgary S, Shirvani A. Comment on methodological problems of 'Is there sufficient evidence to support the long-term efficacy of mineral trioxide aggregate for endodontic therapy in primary teeth?' by Anthonappa RP et al. (International Endodontic Journal, 46, 198-204, 2013). Int Endod J 2014;47(6):611-612.
  28. Khorakian F, Mazhari F, Asgary S, Sahebnasagh M, Alizadeh Kaseb A, Movahhed T, et al. Two-year outcomes of electrosurgery and calcium-enriched mixture pulpotomy in primary teeth: A randomised clinical trial. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2014;15(4):223-228.


  1. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Jafarzadeh H. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in endodontics. Eur J Dent 2013;7(5 SUPPL.):S135-S142.
  2. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Shalavi S, Alikhani MY, Giudice GL, et al. Effect of sodium hypochlorite on the substantivity of chlorhexidine. Int J Clin Dent 2013;6(2):173-178.
  3. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Chavoshi M. Effect of needle bevel direction on the success rate of intra-ligament injection technique: A single-blinded clinical trial. Int J Clin Dent 2013;6(4):349-353.
  4. Eghbal MJ, Fazlyab M, Asgary S. Repair of an extensive furcation perforation with CEM cement: A case study. Iran Endod J 2013;9(1):79-82.
  5. Mehrvarzfar P, Akhavan H, Ghasemi S, Khodaei F, Savadkouhi ST, Dianat O. Mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with normal saline, calcium chloride or KY jelly as apical plug in simulated open apices: An in vitro microleakage study. Iran Endod J 2013;9(1):45-49.
  6. Asgary S, Marvasti LA, Kolahdouzan A. Indications and case series of intentional replantation of teeth. Iran Endod J 2013;9(1):71-78.
  7. Yazdani S, Jadidfard M-, Tahani B, Kazemian A, Dianat O, Marvasti LA. Health technology assessment of CEM pulpotomy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis. Iran Endod J 2013;9(1):23-29.
  8. Nosrat A, Kim JR, Verma P, Chand PS. Tissue engineering considerations in dental pulp regeneration. Iran Endod J 2013;9(1):30-39.
  9. Ehsani S, Bolhari B, Etemadi A, Ghorbanzadeh A, Sabet Y, Nosrat A. The effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation on the push-out bond strength of realseal self-etch sealer. Photomed Laser Surg 2013;31(12):578-585.
  10. Shokouhinejad N, Gorjestani H, Nasseh AA, Hoseini A, Mohammadi M, Shamshiri AR. Push-out bond strength of gutta-percha with a new bioceramic sealer in the presence or absence of smear layer. Aust Endod J 2013;39(3):102-106.
  11. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Shalavi S. Buffering effect of hydroxyapatite and dentin powder on the antibacterial activity of sodium hypochlorite. Int J Clin Dent 2013;6(3):237-241.
  12. Haghgoo R, Arfa S, Asgary S. Microleakage of CEM cement and ProRoot MTA as furcal perforation repair materials in primary teeth. Iran Endod J 2013;8(4):187-190.
  13. Fallahinejad Ghajari M, Asgharian Jeddi T, Iri S, Asgary S. Treatment outcomes of primary molars direct pulp capping after 20 months: A randomized controlled trial. Iran Endod J 2013;8(4):149-152.
  14. Emamieh S, Sadr A, Ghasemi A, Torabzadeh H, Akhavanzanjani V, Tagami J. Effects of solvent drying time on mass change of three adhesives. J Conserv Dent 2013;16(5):418-422.
  15. Asgary S, Ehsani S. Periradicular surgery of human permanent teeth with calcium-enriched mixture cement. Iran Endod J 2013;8(3):140-144.
  16. Naseri M, Kangarlou A, Khavid A, Goodini M. Evaluation of the quality of four root canal obturation techniques using micro-computed tomography. Iran Endod J 2013;8(3):89-93.
  17. Ashraf H, Momeni G, Moradi Majd N, Homayouni H. Fracture resistance of root canals obturated with gutta-percha versus resilon with two different techniques. Iran Endod J 2013;8(3):136-139.
  18. Mehrdad L, Malekafzali B, Shekarchi F, Safi Y, Asgary S. Histological and CBCT evaluation of a pulpotomised primary molar using calcium enriched mixture cement. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2013;14(3):191-194.
  19. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Soltani MK, Asgary S. A review of the properties and applications of ozone in endodontics: An update. Iran Endod J 2013;8(2):40-43.
  20. Ehsani S, Mirhashemi FS, Asgary S. Finite element reconstruction of a mandibular first molar. Iran Endod J 2013;8(2):44-47.
  21. Bolhari B, Meraji N, Nosrat A. Extensive idiopathic external root resorption in first maxillary molar: A case report. Iran Endod J 2013;8(2):72-74.
  22. Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Ghoddusi J, Kakoei S, Haghdoost AA, Kakooei S. The frequency of medically compromised patients in endodontic offices in Iran. Iran Endod J 2013;8(2):48-51.
  23. Mozayeni MA, Zadeh YM, Paymanpour P, Ashraf H, Mozayani M. Evaluation of push‑out bond strength of AH26 sealer using MTAD and combination of NaOCl and EDTA as final irrigation. Dent Res J 2013;10(3):359-363.
  24. Asgary S, Ahmadyar M. Vital pulp therapy using calcium-enriched mixture: An evidence-based review. J Conserv Dent 2013;16(2):92-98.
  25. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Ghoddusi J, Yazdani S. One-year results of vital pulp therapy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis: An ongoing multicenter, randomized, non-inferiority clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2013;17(2):431-439.
  26. Asgary S, Mehrdad L, Kheirieh S. High-level evidences in endodontics. Scientometrics 2013;94(3):955-962.
  27. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. Treatment outcomes of pulpotomy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis using biomaterials: A multi-center randomized controlled trial. Acta Odontol Scand 2013;71(1):130-136.
  28. Asgary S, Motazedian HR, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Kheirieh S. Twenty years of research on mineral trioxide aggregate: A scientometric report. Iran Endod J 2013;8(1):1-5.
  29. Shokouhinejad N, Hoseini A, Gorjestani H, Shamshiri AR. The effect of different irrigation protocols for smear layer removal on bond strength of a new bioceramic sealer. Iran Endod J 2013;8(1):10-13.
  30. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Jafarzadeh H. Extra roots and root canals in premolar and molar teeth: Review of an endodontic challenge. J Contemp Dental Pract 2013;14(5):980-986.
  31. Asgary S, Ahmadyar M. Autotransplantation of a maxillary third molar with closed roots. Oral Surg 2013;6(3):146-148.
  32. Torabzadeh H, Asgary S. Indirect pulp therapy in a symptomatic mature molar using calcium enriched mixture cement. J Conserv Dent 2013;16(1):83-86.
  33. Nosrat A, Seifi A, Asgary S. Pulpotomy in caries-exposed immature permanent molars using calcium-enriched mixture cement or mineral trioxide aggregate: A randomized clinical trial. Int J Paediatr Dent 2013;23(1):56-63.


  1. Mohammadi Z, Khalesi M. On the importance of coronal seal in endodontics. Int J Clin Dent 2012;5(3):279-291.
  2. Shokouhinejad N, Razmi H, Fekrazad R, Asgary S, Neshati A, Assadian H, et al. Push-out bond strength of two root-end filling materials in root-end cavities prepared by Er,Cr: YSGG laser or ultrasonic technique. Aust Endod J 2012;38(3):113-117.
  3. Nosrat A, Nekoofar MH, Bolhari B, Dummer PMH. Unintentional extrusion of mineral trioxide aggregate: A report of three cases. Int Endod J 2012;45(12):1165-1176.
  4. Raoof M, Zaherara F, Shokouhinejad N, Mohammadalizadeh S. Elementary school staff knowledge and attitude with regard to first-aid management of dental trauma in Iran: A basic premise for developing future intervention. Dent Traumatol 2012;28(6):441-447.
  5. Shokouhinejad N, Nekoofar MH, Razmi H, Sajadi S, Davies TE, Saghiri MA, et al. Bioactivity of EndoSequence Root Repair Material and Bioaggregate. Int Endod J 2012;45(12):1127-1134.
  6. Asgary S, Nosrat A, Homayounfar N. Periapical healing after direct pulp capping with calcium-enriched mixture cement: A case report. Oper Dent 2012;37(6):571-575.
  7. Baghban AA, Mehrdad L. To the editor: Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei effect on cariogenic bacterial flora. Clin Oral Invest 2012;16(5):1513.
  8. Rahimi S, Mokhtari H, Shahi S, Kazemi A, Asgary S, Eghbal M-, et al. Osseous reaction to implantation of two endodontic cements: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium enriched mixture (CEM). Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2012;17(5):e907-e911.
  9. Shalavi S, Mohammadi Z, Abdolrazzaghi M. Root canal treatment of maxillary and mandibular three-rooted premolars: Case reports. Iran Endod J 2012;7(3):161-164.
  10. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. Is chlorhexidine an ideal vehicle for calcium hydroxide? A microbiologic review. Iran Endod J 2012;7(3):115-122.
  11. Yazdi KA, Sabeti M, Motahhary P, Kolahdouzan A, Shayesteh M, Shokouhinejad N. Subcutaneous tissue responses to three endodontic irrigants: A comparative study. Iran Endod J 2012;7(3):144-148.
  12. Eghbal MJ, Torabzadeh H. Review of high level endodontic research in pubmed index journals from Iran. Iran Endod J 2012;7(3):109-114.
  13. Mozayeni MA, Milani AS, Marvasti LA, Asgary S. Cytotoxicity of calcium enriched mixture cement compared with mineral trioxide aggregate and intermediate restorative material. Aust Endod J 2012;38(2):70-75.
  14. Saghiri MA, Lotfi M, Shokouhinejad N, Asgar K, Mehrvarzfar P. Influence of white mineral trioxide aggregate on inflammatory cells before and after expiry date. Dent Traumatol 2012;28(4):302-305.
  15. Asgary S, Ahmadyar M. One-visit endodontic retreatment of combined external/internal root resorption using a calcium-enriched mixture. Gen Dent 2012;60(4):E244-E248.
  16. Khedmat S, Momen-Heravi F, Pishvaei M. Rheological properties of endodontic sealers: The effect of time, temperature, and composition. Iran Polym J Eng Ed 2012;21(7):445-450.
  17. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S. The effect of heat-killed Candida albicans and dentin powder on the antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine solution. Iran Endod J 2012;7(2):63-67.
  18. Eghbal MJ, Ardakani ND, Asgary S. A scientometric study of PubMed-indexed endodontic articles: A comparison between Iran and other regional countries. Iran Endod J 2012;7(2):56-59.
  19. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Palazzi F, Shalavi S. Antibacterial activity of a new mineral trioxide aggregate-based root canal sealer. Int Dent J 2012;62(2):70-73.
  20. Sadeghi M, Shahravan A, Haghdoost AA, Asgary S, Rad M. Trend in dental research output in Iran over a period of 20 years (1990-2009). Int Dent J 2012;62(2):84-89.
  21. Mohammadi Z, Giardino L, Mombeinipour A. Antibacterial substantivity of a new antibiotic-based endodontic irrigation solution. Aust Endod J 2012;38(1):26-30.
  22. Kangarlou A, Dianat O, Esfahrood ZR, Asharaf H, Zandi B, Eslami G. Bacterial leakage of GuttaFlow-filled root canals compared with Resilon/Epiphany and Gutta-percha/AH26-filled root canals. Aust Endod J 2012;38(1):10-13.
  23. Baghban A, Ehsani S. To the editor. Implant Dent 2012;21(1):2.
  24. Palazzi F, Morra M, Mohammadi Z, Grandini S, Giardino L. Comparison of the surface tension of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with three new sodium hypochlorite-based endodontic irrigants. Int Endod J 2012;45(2):129-135.
  25. Yavari HR, Samiei M, Shahi S, Aghazadeh M, Jafari F, Abdolrahimi M, et al. Microleakage comparison of four dental materials as intra-orifice barriers in endodontically treated teeth. Iran Endod J 2012;7(1):25-30.
  26. Asgary S, Sabbagh S, Eghbal MJ. Published endodontic articles in PubMed-indexed journals from Iran. Iran Endod J 2012;7(1):1-4.
  27. Asgary S, Aminzadeh N. Unilateral gingival enlargement in patient with neurofibromatosis type I. N Y State Dent J 2012;78(6):50-53.
  28. Nosrat A, Homayounfar N, Oloomi K. Drawbacks and unfavorable outcomes of regenerative endodontic treatments of necrotic immature teeth: A literature review and report of a case. J Endod 2012;38(10):1428-1434.
  29. Asgary S, Moosavi SH, Yadegari Z, Shahriari S. Cytotoxic effect of MTA and CEM cement in human gingival fibroblast cells. Scanning electronic microscope evaluation. N Y State Dent J 2012;78(2):51-54.
  30. Tabarsi B, Pourghasem M, Moghaddamnia A, Shokravi M, Ehsani M, Ahmadyar M, et al. Comparison of skin test reactivity of two endodontic biomaterials in rabbits. Pak J Biol Sci 2012;15(5):250-254.
  31. Asgary S, Ehsani S. MTA resorption and periradicular healing in an open-apex incisor: A case report. Saudi Dent J 2012;24(1):55-59.


  1. Shantiaee Y, Maziar F, Dianat O, Mahjour F. Comparing microleakage in root canals obturated with nanosilver coated gutta-percha to standard gutta-percha by two different methods. Iran Endod J 2011;6(4):140-145.
  2. Mozayeni MA, Golshah A, Kerdar NN. A survey on NiTi rotary instruments usage by endodontists and general dentist in Tehran. Iran Endod J 2011;6(4):168-175.
  3. Yazdi KA, Shokouhinejad N, Moazeni E, Rad SM. Evaluation of the doxycycline release from AH26 sealer-doxycycline combination: An ex vivo study. Iran Endod J 2011;6(4):160-167.
  4. Nosrat A, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Ghoddusi J, Bayat-Movahed S. Calcium-enriched mixture cement as artificial apical barrier: A case series. J Conserv Dent 2011;14(4):427-431.
  5. Valizadeh S, Khosravi M, Azizi Z. Diagnostic accuracy of conventional, digital and Cone Beam CT in vertical root fracture detection. Iran Endod J 2011;6(1):15-20.
  6. Torabzadeh H, Ghasemi A, Shakeri S, Baghban AA, Razmavar S. Effect of powder/liquid ratio of glass ionomer cements on flexural and shear bond strengths to dentin. Braz J Oral Sci 2011;10(3):204-207.
  7. Mohammadi Z, Mombeinipour A, Giardino L, Shahriari S. Residual antibacterial activity of a new modified sodium hypochlorite-based endodontic irrigation solution. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2011;16(4):e588-e592.
  8. Parirokh M, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Kakoei S, Samiee M. A comparative study of using a combination of calcium chloride and mineral trioxide aggregate as the pulp-capping agent on Dogs' teeth. J Endod 2011;37(6):786-788.
  9. Mohammadi Z, Palazzi F, Giardino L. Laser application in tooth bleaching: an update review. Minerva Stomatol 2011;60(4):167-178.
  10. Asgary S, Ahmadyar M. One-visit RCT of maxillary incisors with extensive inflammatory root resorption and periradicular lesions: A case report. Iran Endod J 2011;6(2):95-98.
  11. Asgary S, Nosrat A, Seifi A. Management of inflammatory external root resorption by using calcium-enriched mixture cement: A case report. J Endod 2011;37(3):411-413.
  12. Mohammadi Z, Palazzi F, Giardino L. Laser application in tooth bleaching: An update review. Minerva Stomatol 2011;60(4):1-12.
  13. Asgary S. Calcium-enriched mixture pulpotomy of a human permanent molar with irreversible pulpitis and condensing apical periodontitis. J Conserv Dent 2011;14(1):90-93.
  14. Oskoee SS, Kimyai S, Bahari M, Eghbal PMMJ, Asgary S. Comparison of shear bond strength of calcium-enriched mixture cement and mineral trioxide aggregate to composite resin. J Contemp Dental Pract 2011;12(6):457-462.
  15. Malekafzali B, Shekarchi F, Asgary S. Treatment outcomes of pulpotomy in primary molars using two endodontic biomaterials. A 2-year randomised clinical trial. Eur J Paediatr Dent 2011;12(3):189-193.


  1. Asnaashari M, Fekrazad R, Mozayeni MA, Mozayeni M. An invitro study on the temperature changes of dentin, irradiated by CO 2 and Er:Cr;YSGG laser. J Lasers Med Sci 2010;1(1):1-7.
  2. Samiee M, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Abbas FM, Asgary S. Repair of furcal perforation using a new endodontic cement. Clin Oral Invest 2010;14(6):653-658.
  3. Shokouhinejad N, Sharifian MR, Jafari M, Sabeti MA. Push-out bond strength of Resilon/Epiphany self-etch and gutta-percha/AH26 after different irrigation protocols. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110(5):e88-e92.
  4. Saghiri MA, Shokouhinejad N, Lotfi M, Aminsobhani M, Saghiri AM. Push-out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate in the presence of alkaline pH. J Endod 2010;36(11):1856-1859.
  5. Sattari M, Mozayeni MA, Matloob A, Mozayeni M, Javaheri HH. Substance P and CGRP expression in dental pulps with irreversible pulpitis. Aust Endod J 2010;36(2):59-63.
  6. Nosrat A, Asgary S. Apexogenesis of a symptomatic molar with calcium enriched mixture. Int Endod J 2010;43(10):940-944.
  7. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. The effect of pulpotomy using a calcium-enriched mixture cement versus one-visit root canal therapy on postoperative pain relief in irreversible pulpitis: A randomized clinical trial. Odontology 2010;98(2):126-133.
  8. Tabarsi B, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Haghdoost AA, Torabzadeh H, Asgary S. A comparative study of dental pulp response to several pulpotomy agents. Int Endod J 2010;43(7):565-571.
  9. Shokouhinejad N, Sharifian MR, Aligholi M, Assadian H, Tabor RK, Nekoofar MH. The sealing ability of resilon and gutta-parcha following different smear layer removal methods: An ex vivo study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110(1):e45-e49.
  10. Nosrat A, Asgary S. Apexogenesis Treatment with a New Endodontic Cement: A Case Report. J Endod 2010;36(5):912-914.
  11. Shokouhinejad N, Nekoofar MH, Iravani A, Kharrazifard MJ, Dummer PMH. Effect of Acidic Environment on the Push-out Bond Strength of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. J Endod 2010;36(5):871-874.
  12. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Ehsani S. Periradicular Regeneration after Endodontic Surgery with Calcium-enriched Mixture Cement in Dogs. J Endod 2010;36(5):837-841.
  13. Shokouhinejad N, Sabeti MA, Hasheminasab M, Shafiei F, Shamshiri AR. Push-out Bond Strength of Resilon/Epiphany Self-etch to Intraradicular Dentin after Retreatment: A Preliminary Study. J Endod 2010;36(3):493-496.
  14. Parirokh M, Torabinejad M. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Comprehensive Literature Review-Part III: Clinical Applications, Drawbacks, and Mechanism of Action. J Endod 2010;36(3):400-413.
  15. Hasheminia M, Nejad SL, Asgary S. Sealing ability of MTA and CEM cement as root-end fillings of human teeth in dry, saliva or bloodcontaminated conditions. Iran Endod J 2010;5(4):151-156.
  16. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. A clinical trial of pulpotomy vs. root canal therapy of mature molars. J Dent Res 2010;89(10):1080-1085.
  17. Shokouhinejad N, Emaneini M, Aligholi M, Jabalameli F. Antimicrobial effect of Rosa damascena extract on selected endodontic pathogens. J Calif Dent Assoc 2010;38(2):123-126.


  1. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Ghoddusi J. Effect of two storage solutions on surface topography of two root-end fillings. Aust Endod J 2009;35(3):147-152.
  2. Mozayeni MA, Javaheri GH, Poorroosta P, Asna Ashari M, Javaheri HH. Effect of 17% EDTA and MTAD on intracanal smear layer removal: A scanning electron microscopic study. Aust Endod J 2009;35(1):13-17.
  3. Eghbal MJ, Asgary S, Baglue RA, Parirokh M, Ghoddusi J. MTA pulpotomy of human permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis. Aust Endod J 2009;35(1):4-8.
  4. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Ghoddusi J, Kheirieh S, Brink F. Comparison of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate's Composition with Portland Cements and a New Endodontic Cement. J Endod 2009;35(2):243-250.


  1. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M. Sealing ability of a novel endodontic cement as a root-end filling material. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2008;87(3):706-709.
  2. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Ghanavati F, Rahimi H. A comparative study of histologic response to different pulp capping materials and a novel endodontic cement. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106(4):609-614.
  3. Asgary S, Shahabi S, Jafarzadeh T, Amini S, Kheirieh S. The Properties of a New Endodontic Material. J Endod 2008;34(8):990-993.
  4. Asgary S, Kamrani FA. Antibacterial effects of five different root canal sealing materials. J Oral Sci 2008;50(4):469-474.
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